

Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to enquire more about our platforms, we are only a call or email away. To help answer some commonly asked questions here are some responses.

We are happy to work with sole traders just as much as private or public limited liability company. You can be newly registered or established.

Be aware, that when selling broadband and telecom facilities into businesses, in particular, it may be expected that you are VAT registered. There is no hard set rule, it's best that you seek advice from an accountant to understand what we will work for you the best.

ICUK is a wholesale provider. This means we will invoice you for the wholesale cost of these services. It is the responsibility of the reseller to set retail prices, invoice end users, collect payment and promote your own brand.

We do offer an optional solution whereby invoices can be generated via our platform on your behalf. This was designed primarily for smaller resellers to give them a help in invoice genration based on the services purchased, and the tariffs assigned. You can see more here.

Thankfully faults are rare, but they do occur. When a fault arises you can be confident that we are here to support you through achieving a swift resolution. Your starting point, if you are not familiar with the processes to follow is to reference our help files. Within the help files you will find step-by-step guides as to the questions to ask your client's, the reasons why we ask these questions, and the diagnostics to complete. Our diagnostic tests are purely a step on the journey to raising a fault and are not the solution or sole task to complete.

Broadband and leased line faults should be raised through the Control Panel. Our fault raising process ensures that the correct diagnostics and appropriate questions are presented. This ensures we collect all the information we need to avoid a ping-pong style conversation of questions. Faults can be tracked and interacted with via the Control Panel, with all updates are followed up with emails to alert you to progress.

Line rental faults can be raised in complete automation through the Control Panel. You can access real time intrusive checks against the line, and by proceeding with a fault you are submitting it directly into Openreach without ICUK staff involvement. All tracking, progress updates, appointment control, engineer contact information and job notes are all available at your disposal.

For web hosting and domains you can raise a question via the Control Panel, email in or call us.

If you are really stuck we are only ever a phone call (03450099175) or email (support@icuk.net) away for advice and guidance. As a wholesale provider we cannot take calls or respond to end user questions. End users shouldn't know of ICUK, and should liaise with you directly.

Our contract is with yourselves.

Your contract is with your customer. You own the customer contract, they do not need to know that ICUK is your wholesale provider.

There is sometimes no escaping that ICUK will be the owner of the IP range. A WHOIS lookup will show InterDSL which is a generic name we reference for white label purposes and ICUK. You can see an example WHOIS look up here.

If you have your own IP ranges we can host and announce these for you for the purpose of broadband and leased line connectivity. This will provide your name in WHOIS and speed test results. If you would like advice on how to achieve this contact our sales team who can advise further.

Simply put, some of the services we sell present a significant credit risk to ourselves. Owing to the nature of the products we need to post-charge for the line rentals and calls made, or for leased lines with long contract terms.

We recognise that a deposit can be off-putting, and we wish that we didn't need it. When ICUK was smaller, signing up with Openreach and various carriers their deposit requirements were a substantial burden (in the region of £30,000). We didn't want to recreate that same scenario, so have actively made sure that it is kept to a minimum, and to trust our new partners. The result is the deposit we ask is normally around £400 which is held in a HSBC deposit account for the duration you are a reseller, or until it's deemed not to be required owing to your spend.

In addition to the deposit we ask for other ID documents. Sadly in the past we have had resellers join who have fradulantly impersonated legitimate credit worthy businesses. The checks we make are to safeguard against this. Typically we will ask for:

  • Bank statement - We're not interested in the figures, but more the fact that you have a business bank account and have completed the bank's ID checks.
  • ID for a director - To ensure that the director we see listed at Companies House and our credit check facilities can be matched including dates of birth ideally with a passport or driving license.
  • Proof of address - If your company registered and actual addresses differ, don't worry, just send us details to prove where you are based and reasons for differences.

Since introduction we have significantly reduced fraud, and those resellers who use this facility are serious about growing their businesses with us. This has benefits to ICUK and other partners, otherwise losses sustained would have to be reclaimed with higher wholesale costs, and the opposite it seen, as prices fall.

Start by requesting additional information from us via the various buttons you see on our website. You will be issued with access to an information account where you can see further details about our platforms, view all wholesale pricing, and can proceed to sign-up. Access will normally be granted the same working day, although not all facilities may be functioning until ID / credit checks are completed. Details of the checks will be issued to you alongside the details to login to the Control Panel.

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